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Math Trail

Through our math trail, students get to see and apply mathematic concepts taught in school in fieldwork as they gather data and work collaboratively to solve challenges based on real-life context.  With a ratio of 1 facilitator to 20 students, we have the manpower to ensure the smooth conduct of the programme and the safety of your students. Debrief will also be conducted and rationale for every station will be explained. Our math trail aims to sharpen student's concentration and precision in answering Math questions.

Students exploring supermarket via math trails

Math Trail @ Supermarket


Math Trail @ Bowling Alley

Our activities encourage student to work collaboratively to answer challenging questions. Content can be customized based on the school's requirement. 

Outdoor/Kite-Making Math Trails

Our Outdoor Trails bring students to various sites such as Supermarkets, Bowling Alley for Math learning journeys. We also have kite-making and flying trails that provide opportunities for students to learn mathematics through kite construction.


*A set of Tyvek kite making materials will be provided to every student.

Mathematics Adventure Camp

Our Math Adventure Camp allow students to learn Math through fun and interesting activities with contents that are in line with school syllabus. This programme aims to to reinforce the Mathematics concepts learnt in the school’s curriculum by using a problem-based learning approach in an outdoor game setting to solve “real life” scenarios problems.


Our camp can be customised to help students better understand topics they struggle with through fun mediums including quizzes, trails and games.


Adventure Camp at School Hall

*Logistic and administrative support will be provided


Science Trail

Our Science Trails bring students to various sites such as Botanic Gardens, Gardens by the Bay to conduct Science Investigation.

Such trails are integral to the learning of Science and allow students to appreciate the importance of inquiry. Our trails provide students with opportunities to use concepts and knowledge taught in class for application in the field as they go beyond the classroom to actively look for and gather data to address the inquiries. Student-directed activities will allow students to develop the skills and attitudes required to work individually and collaboratively in groups as students are required to complete both individual and group tasks.



Students Learning about Sci via Trail

Science Trail @ Gardens By The Bay

Students Learning about Sci via Trail

Science Trail @ Botanic Garden

 Content can be customized based on the school's requirement. 

Academic Trail

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