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Digital - Making.
For Students.
By Zenitant.

Zenitant provides a comprehensive range of ICT programmes for students from ages 5 - 18 years old. From A.I. to Scratch, we exposure student to different platforms, develop their computational and design thinking skills.


As a IMDA Code For Fun and Digital Maker Partner and Microsoft Global Training Partner, we integrate the latest tech together with robust pedagogy to deliver a fun and memorable learning experience.



Partnered with IMDA, Zenitant has been providing ICT lessons through Code For Fun Programme & ICT RoadMap Programme. Schools are given the option to pick programmes that are most suited to their students.


Zenitant carried out workshops in the Singapore's WorldSkill ASEAN. Using M5StickC, Attendees were taught the basics of Internet Of Things and got to experience for themselves​.

Corporates Event

Partnered with Microsoft, Zenitant launched our annual IMDA Bootcamp. Attendees Interacted with Blokies, Micro:bits and Minecraft Education. These activities were designed with problem-solving concepts in mind.

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Digital Programmes

Virtual Reality

Dive into the virtual world of Minecraft using VR goggles, explore the fascinating realm of artificial intelligence, and unleash your creativity in this immersive workshop designed for primary school students.



Code For Fun


Code For Fun Program allow schools to choose one of the four different IoT kits, comprising different sensors, actuators and form factors to code, create and solve different real-world problems posed with either drag and drop Block or Python text programming.

* Schools are Eligible for full-subsidies for programmes under
IMDA Programmes

Digital - Making 

Students will learn various hardware components that has been built into Micro:bit as well as external sensors. 

Student can code according to their project requirements via Make-Code and invent different smart gadgets / prototypes to solve real world problems.





Game Development

Students explore game development in both Minecraft  Education and Makecode Aracde. This immersive experience cultivates coding skills, AI understanding, teamwork, and creativity, providing students with versatile abilities applicable beyond game development.



Image by Kevin Ku

3D-Tronics Competition


3D-Tronics Challenge is an exciting stage inviting students to embark on a technological adventure. This challenge sparks curiosity, nurtures creativity, and amplifies problem-solving skills among the next generation's brightest minds.


Sustainable Living for Elderly Couple 



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